
How to Join Redeemer Bible Church

New Member

Are you looking for a place to call your church home? That's great! We believe that it is good for a Christian to have a church. Maybe Redeemer is the right church for you.

We understand if you have had bad experiences with churches in the past. That can be tough. We hope that we can be a good fit for you, and we are honored that you have considered us to be your church home.

Here at Redeemer Bible Church, we love meeting new people and welcoming them to our church family. No one is a stranger.


There are a few qualifications to consider before becoming a member.

That's no too bad. We also recommend that you look over the Creeds and Confession document and the Constitution and By-Laws document. Both are under the 'Resources' tab.

Don't worry! Absolute agreement with the Creeds and Confession is not required. But you do need to be willing to submit to the teaching of the scripture.


If you want to become a member, then find one of our Elders or talk to our pastor and they will be more than happy to talk to about membership. They will get you enrolled in one of the upcoming membership classes.

Once you have finished the class, an Elder or pastor will ask you about your faith and then you get you testify. That's it! You then become a member of Redeemer.

More on Membership

We at Redeemer Bible Church together desire and intend . . .

If you are looking for more about membership, then have a look at the membership section of our Constitution and By-Laws.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, amen.