When a member of the church dies, his or her name shall be removed from the membership roll.
When requested, the elders may grant to a member a letter of commendation to another church. No such letter may be given to a member who is under church discipline. The elders may refuse to send a letter of commendation to any church that in their judgment is disloyal to the truth of the word of God or that does not exercise godly care over its members.
Any member who chooses to rescind his or her membership may do so by notifying the elders in writing.The date of receipt shall be the effective date of membership termination.
Any member of this church who shall willfully, without plausible reason or excuse, be absent from the services of this church for a period of six (6) months shall be removable from membership at the discretion of the elders, after reasonable attempts to contact the member.
Any member may be removed from membership in Redeemer Bible Church as described in the section titled “CHURCH DISCIPLINE” in this Constitution and By-Laws.