Following the example of the early church from the book of Acts, special meetings of the members may be called at any time by the senior pastor, by the chairman or vice chairman of the elders, by a majority of the Council of Elders, by a majority of the Council of Deacons, or by fifteen percent (15%) of the voting membership of the church.
Request for a Special Congregational Meeting must be made in writing and given to the Senior Pastor, Chairman of the Council of Elders, and the Chairman of the Council of Deacons. The request for a Special Congregational Meeting must include the reason for the meeting. The agenda for the meeting will be limited to only the reason listed in the request fort he meeting.
Within two (2) weeks of receipt of a call for a Special Congregational Meeting the Senior Pastor, Chairman of the Council of Elders, and the Chairman of the Council of Deacons must, together, all agree on when and where the meeting will beheld and who will chair the meeting. The meeting must be held within five (5) weeks of receipt of the written request for a meeting and must be held at a location where all the church members and regular attenders can meet together as a group. The Senior Pastor, Chairman of the Council of Elders, and the Chairman of the Council of Deacons must, together, choose a person from either the pastoral staff, the Council of Elders, or the Council of Deacons to chair the meeting.
If any one of the Senior Pastor, the Chairman of the Council of Elders, or the Chairman of the Council of Deacons refuse to participate in this process within the stated time periods then the process for arranging the meeting will continue without them.
Notice of a Special Congregational meeting must be given within one (1) week of the agreement on where and when the meeting will be held and who will chair the meeting. Notice shall be mailed to members, announced from the pulpit during regular church services at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting, and published in the regular church bulletin on the Sunday immediately preceding the meeting.