Constitution and By-Laws


Church discipline is not the basis for the normal and regular fellowship and interaction of the church and its members.Love and the “one-anothers” of Scripture are the basis for the normal and regular fellowship and interaction of the church and its members. Church discipline is to be employed when the Christian virtues of love, grace, patience, mercy, baring with one-another, etc., etc. cease to be effective in helping a professing believer to put away sin.

The purpose of church discipline is to effect a return to a biblical standard of conduct and doctrine in a Christian who errs (Gal 6:1), to maintain purity in the Church (1 Cor 5:6) and to deter sin (1Tim 5:20). Anyone professing to be a Christian and identifying with this local church, whether a member or not, is eligible for church discipline. Resignation of membership, no longer attending this church, or refusal to meet with those involved in any of the stages of church discipline listed in this Constitution and By-Laws will not prevent this process from continuing and the church from rendering a decision based upon the testimony available.

Christians associating with this church who err in doctrine or conduct shall be subject to church discipline according toMatt 18:15-18, Rom 16:17, 1 Cor 5:1-13, Titus 3:10-11.

It is the duty of any Christian of this church who has knowledge of a believer's error regarding doctrine or misconduct to warn and correct such erring Christian in private, seeking his/her repentance and restoration.

If said erring believer does not heed this first warning then the warning Christian shall again go to the erring Christian accompanied by one or two believers, preferably elders, as witnesses. The one or two witnesses shall examine the warning believer, the accused and the charges to determine if in fact the accused is erring according to doctrine or conduct. If the accusations are false or mistaken then no further disciplinary action will be taken and the warning believer shall seek the forgiveness of the one accused. If the accusations are accurate then the warning believer and the witnesses shall warn and correct the erring believer a second time, seeking his/her repentance and restoration.

If, after this second warning, the erring believer is found to be stirring up dissension by being a factious person he/she may be immediately excluded from the congregation according to Titus 3:10-11.

If said erring Christian is not being factious, but still refuses to heed the first and second warnings, then the elders, upon careful and prayerful investigation, shall tell it to the church and encourage the believers to seek the repentance and restoration of the erring believer.

If said erring believer refuses to heed the three warnings of the first believer, the elders and the whole church, he/she may be publicly dismissed from church membership.

This process may continue to conclusion whether the erring believer leaves or otherwise seeks to withdraw from membership to avoid discipline. There shall be no appeal to any court from such a decision. If at any point in this process said erring Christian heeds the warning and demonstrates repentance, he/she shall be restored to fellowship.

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