The deacons shall organize themselves however they determine to be best to achieve the mission of the church. The elders or the deacons may designate any deacon or group of deacons to specialize in some particular function. Meetings of the deacons, or subcommittees thereof, shall be held as needed to best fulfill the responsibilities of the deacons.
The deacons shall be members in good standing and who possess the qualifications described in 1Tim 3:8-13. A deacon shall be beyond reproach, a person of dignity, not double-tongued, not addicted to wine, not fond of sordid gain, one who holds to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience, a person who manages their children and household well, not a malicious gossip, temperate and faithful. Anyone called to this office must be able to conscientiously affirm their agreement with our Creeds and Confession and this Constitution and By-Laws. Should any deacon at any time change their convictions respecting these standards they are under moral obligation to make this fact known to the elders.
The Council of Deacons are to be an aid to the people of God in general. The office of deacon is a serving rather than a governing office. Deacons may be involved in both physical and spiritual oriented ministry. Deacons are responsible to administer the ordinary business, secular affairs, benevolent concerns of the church and any other ministerial duties of the church. Deacons must fulfill the duties of their office in cooperation with and under the oversight of the elders.
The number of deacons shall not be fixed. The church shall select as many as are needed for the work to be done from among the men who give evidence of having the biblical qualifications for the office. A man may continue in the office of deacon as long as he remains qualified, able, and willing to serve.
The nomination of deacons shall be done in the same manner as the elders as set forth in this Constitution and By-Laws.
The candidacy of deacons shall be done in the same manner as for elders as set forth in this Constitution and By-Laws except they shall be examined according to the qualifications in 1Tim 3:8-13 instead of the qualifications for elders. After having served above reproach the elders will present the candidate(s) to the church at a regular worship meeting.
Discipline, termination and implications of termination of deacons will be in the same manner as an elder as described in this Constitution and By-Laws.
Deacons, as well as any elder appointed councils and committees, shall not receive any stated or fixed salary for their services. However, nothing herein contained shall be construed to preclude any deacon, council or committee member from serving the church in any other capacity and receiving compensation. Any person receiving compensation directly or indirectly from the church shall not be in a position to determine the nature or amount of said compensation.