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The treasurer shall not be an active elder, deacon, or paid church staff member.  The treasurer’s responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to; 1) ensuring all funds and securities of the church are properly secured in such banks, financial institutions, or depositories as appropriate, 2) presenting regular reports of the account balances, revenues and expenses of the church at each members’ meeting, 3) ensuring that full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements are kept in books belonging to the church, 4) implementing adequate controls to guarantee that all funds belonging to the church are appropriately handled by any officer, employee, or agent of the church, 5) annually, or whenever they may require it, providing the elders with an account of all transactions as treasurer and of the financial condition of the church, 6) submitting a proposed annual budget to the elders at least one month prior to the annual business meeting of the church.  The budget approved by the elders will be presented to the church at the annual business meeting.  Some of the treasurer’s responsibilities may be delegated with the approval of the elders.  The treasurer shall be nominated by the elders and elected by the congregation to serve a term of one year.

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